F e a t u r e s
- Passive 14 or 12 slot ISa with RFI & crosstalk suppressors
- Three 5.25 in or (Two 5.25 + Two 3.5in) half-height drives with front panel access
- One filtered 110 CFM fan
- Shock mounted drives, and hold-down bars for boards

Single 110 CFM fan maintains a positive air pressure within the enclosure to reduce possible dust intake while producing cool air flow. All CPU and expansion cards are mounted vertically for optimal cooling, higher reliability, and longer life. The fourteen slot passive ISA backplane is a 4-layer, low capicitance board; a hold-down bar secures the plug-in cards to minimize vibration.

    [    IS6000       |    IS5000       |    IS2700       |    IS2000       |    IS1000       |    IS500    ]